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22 Jan 20241 Min read
A rider on horseback races away from the smoking, active, Indonesian volcano, Mount Bromo.
Photographer: Matt Yaman Bin Ibrahim  Location: East Java, IndonesiaA rider on horseback races away from the smoking, active, Indonesian volcano, Mount Bromo. Photographer: Matt Yaman Bin Ibrahim Location: East Java, Indonesia

Seismic events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have always been a part of our planet on almost every continent. Though making up for dramatic and enigmatic photographs with active volcanoes in Iceland, Indonesia, Japan, USA, Russia and more, a study in Iceland shows that volcanoes experience a period of heightened activity up to 100 times higher after the ice cap melt. As the Sundhnúkur volcano continues to erupt today in Iceland we might consider that we’re on thin ice here…quite literally.

This award-winning photograph is from the ninth season titled, “Water,” of the Hamdan bin Mohamed bin Rashid al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) Archive. The Climate Tribe has partnered with HIPA, leveraging the power of photography to inspire global awareness of sustainability and advance climate action. The first collaboration under this partnership is the COP28 Photography Competition, currently in the judging and verification process. Winners to be announced!

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PhotographerMatt Yaman Bin Ibrahim
LocationEast Java, Indonesia
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