In Myanmar, where 90% of the population is Buddhist, almost all Buddhists practice Theravada Buddhism, which aims to break out of samsara, or cycle of suffering, to achieve nirvana – enlightenment.
Deep in the anger and misery caused by our material realm, which can often be destructive, it is hard to perceive the cyclical nature of everything around us.
In the orange glow of the new sun, we might be able to see rebirth in ourselves.
While it is important to honour our anger, sadness, and grief as we witness the tragedy of climate change every day, we must also remember that a new life teeming with visions, solutions, appreciation, and love for all living creatures is born and inspired every day.
Mourn and respect what once was. But remember to sit and listen for the rebirths happening around you.
This award-winning photograph is from the seventh season, “The Moment”, of the Hamdan bin Mohamed bin Rashid al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) Archive. The Climate Tribe has partnered with HIPA, leveraging the power of photography to inspire global awareness of sustainability and advance climate action.
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