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Arabian Gulf Sunrise

28 Sep 20231 Min read
Arabian Gulf Sunrise

Day breaks over the Arabian Gulf as seen from the International Space Station. The corona you see around the earth is called a terminator, marking the change from day to night just as dawn or dusk does on Earth. In 24 hours, the International Space Station makes 16 orbits of Earth, travelling through 16 sunrises and sunsets -- every 90 minutes, a new orbital cycle begins. Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi’s remarkable image invites The Climate Tribe to think about time and the possibilities in a new beginning every 90 minutes. 

Photographer: Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi. Location: International Space StationPhotographer: Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi. Location: International Space Station

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PhotographerAstronaut Sultan Al Neyadi
LocationInternational Space Station
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